Live More Simply

As I mentioned in my last post, one of my current goals is to live more simply, and I think that’s as good a theme for this blog as any other, which could tie together all my various interests under one umbrella!  (Or under one parachute, see below)

Those interests could include dancing, nature, books, food, people, the arts, science, languages…  all things that make this a beautiful and complex world!

Since the world is complex though, and beautiful because of it, what does it really mean to live more simply?


For me, living more simply means living with fewer possessions & less environmental impact & less stress — & more appreciation for the beauty of nature, good food & good health, family, friends & community, & spirituality.

It’s definitely an ideal, not the way I live all the time, but it’s something to strive for, and having a blog will hopefully be a way to share my thoughts & connect with others on a similar journey.

And if I make this goal to live more simply about small changes, it is definitely within reach.

Wishing you a simple good night, with complex & beautiful dreams,


Hello world!

Hello!  Welcome to the blog “Alphabeteur” by danceblueskies.

I’ve decided to start blogging, and this time I’m going to stick with it past one post.  The reason is that I’ve recently given up Facebook (I deleted my account June 11th, 2012).  I haven’t felt the need to return to it, but it has left me without something: an online voice & presence.

I use the internet all the time to research and learn about new topics; wikipedia & the innumerable websites, blogs & forums I find through Google.  But I’d like to be more than just a consumer, and produce something of my own.

Why “Alphabeteur” ?  Searching for a blog name, I wanted something at first that would embody one of my current goals in life, which is to live more simply.  But I couldn’t think of anything, and realized it’d be easier to find a domain name if it was unique – and I arrived at Alphabeteur by remembering a little known story from my childhood.

When I was about 4, I recorded myself singing the Alphabet song over one of my mom’s tape cassettes, Paul Simon’s “Rhythm of the Saints.”  She discovered it about 2 years later and coined the term “alphabetage”  I thought of using the name alphabetage, but then thought of alphabeteur, which follows like saboteur follows from sabotage, and I had a name!

Like that 4-year-old recording a favorite song in a confident voice, I now have a voice to share with the world & a platform with which to share it.  Thank you for stopping by on the beginning of this journey!  I’m going to keep singing – I hope that you’ll join me.

A, B, C, D, Eee-yeFff Geee….     :o)

This song is worth listening to… if it doesn’t load here, clicking on the title will open it in youtube.